HGL36060T Schneider Electric Electronic Components

Schneider Electric HGL36060T Square D by Schneider Electric HGL36060T is a Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) within the PowerPacT HGL sub-range. It features a removable/interchangeable trip unit PowerPacT H-Frame 150 TMD, designed for 3-pole (3P) configurations with a rated current of 60A. This MCCB operates at a rated insulation voltage of 750 V, with AC rated voltages of 600Vac and 600Y/347Vac, and a DC rated voltage of 500Vdc. It offers thermal protection for overload scenarios and magnetic protection for short-circuit conditions. The HGL36060T is designed for individual unit mount on plate, with dimensions of 163 mm in height, 104 mm in width, and 86 mm in depth. It has an IP40 degree of protection and operates via a toggle (manual) mechanism. Protection settings include over-current fixed at 60A, short-circuit hold current fixed at 800A, and short-circuit trip current fixed at 1450A. The rated operating voltage is 690 V, with a rated impulse voltage of 8 kV. The trip current rating is 60 AT, with a frame current rating of 150 AF. Its short-circuit breaking rating varies by voltage, including 65kA at 240Vac, 35kA at 480Vac and 480Y/277Vac, 18kA at 600Vac and 600Y/347Vac, and 20kA at 250Vdc and 500Vdc, all according to UL489 standards. The trip unit type is thermal-magnetic (fixed), with no display, and it falls under utilisation category A. Connections are made via lugs on both load and line sides.
Schneider Electric


Manufacturer:Schneider Electric

Product Lifecycle:Active

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Square D by Schneider Electric HGL36060T is a Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) within the PowerPacT HGL sub-range. It features a removable/interchangeable trip unit PowerPacT H-Frame 150 TMD, designed for 3-pole (3P) configurations with a rated current of 60A. This MCCB operates at a rated insulation voltage of 750 V, with AC rated voltages of 600Vac and 600Y/347Vac, and a DC rated voltage of 500Vdc. It offers thermal protection for overload scenarios and magnetic protection for short-circuit conditions. The HGL36060T is designed for individual unit mount on plate, with dimensions of 163 mm in height, 104 mm in width, and 86 mm in depth. It has an IP40 degree of protection and operates via a toggle (manual) mechanism. Protection settings include over-current fixed at 60A, short-circuit hold current fixed at 800A, and short-circuit trip current fixed at 1450A. The rated operating voltage is 690 V, with a rated impulse voltage of 8 kV. The trip current rating is 60 AT, with a frame current rating of 150 AF. Its short-circuit breaking rating varies by voltage, including 65kA at 240Vac, 35kA at 480Vac and 480Y/277Vac, 18kA at 600Vac and 600Y/347Vac, and 20kA at 250Vdc and 500Vdc, all according to UL489 standards. The trip unit type is thermal-magnetic (fixed), with no display, and it falls under utilisation category A. Connections are made via lugs on both load and line sides.

About the manufacturer: Schneider Electric is one of the manufacturers that offers Electronic Components that you can order at Powermatic Associates site. We provide digital solutions for energy and automation that improve efficiency and support sustainability. Our comprehensive solutions include cutting-edge energy technologies, real-time automation, software, and services for residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

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Product Details

  • Electrical Connection
    Lugs load Lugs line
  • Continuous Current Rating
    80 %
  • Height
    6.4 in (162.56 mm)
  • Width
    4.12 in (104.65 mm)
  • Depth
    4.36 in (110.74 mm)
  • Tightening Torque
    44.25 lbf.in (5 N.m) 0.00…0.15 in² (2.5…95 mm²) (AWG 14...AWG 3/0)
  • Magnetic Tripping Current
    1450 A
  • Mounting Mode
    Unit mount
  • Magnetic Hold Current
    800 A
  • Breaking Capacity Code
  • Number Of Poles
  • Line Rated Current
    60 A
  • Product Or Component Type
    Circuit breaker
  • Range Of Product
    PowerPact H

Product condition

New Factory Sealed

New Factory Sealed - New condition, never used, original OEM part with original packaging and factory seal.

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