DX80DR9M-H12C Banner Electronic Components

Banner DX80DR9M-H12C Banner Engineering DX80DR9M-H12C is a Gateway designed for surface mounting with a polycarbonate housing, polycarbonate rotary dial cover, polyester labels, EDPM rubber cover gasket, and nitrile rubber. It operates within an ambient air temperature range of -40 to +85°C and offers a degree of protection rated at IP20 NEMA 1. The dimensions of this rectangular-shaped gateway are H44.5mm x W103.3mm x D80.1mm. It features 2 digital outputs (30Vdc; NMOS; 1A), 2 analog inputs (0-20mA), and 1 analog input (Thermistor 10kΩ). The DX80DR9M-H12C operates on a 900 MHz transmission frequency with 2 digital inputs (30Vdc 3mA; NPN). It is part of the MultiHop Modbus IO data radios sub-range and incorporates MultiHop flexpower data radio functionality. The design includes SDI-12 data collection, 2 buttons, 2 bi-color LEDs for Ex e II applications, and utilizes FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) technology. Connection is facilitated through detachable screw-clamp connectors and an RP-SMA connector. The supply voltage requirement is 10-30Vdc (12Vdc-24Vdc nom.), and it supports RS-485 Modbus TCP communication protocol. The frequency is set at 900MHz ISM band 1W, capable of a maximum transmission distance of 9.6km at nominal emission power.



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Banner Engineering DX80DR9M-H12C is a Gateway designed for surface mounting with a polycarbonate housing, polycarbonate rotary dial cover, polyester labels, EDPM rubber cover gasket, and nitrile rubber. It operates within an ambient air temperature range of -40 to +85°C and offers a degree of protection rated at IP20 NEMA 1. The dimensions of this rectangular-shaped gateway are H44.5mm x W103.3mm x D80.1mm. It features 2 digital outputs (30Vdc; NMOS; 1A), 2 analog inputs (0-20mA), and 1 analog input (Thermistor 10kΩ). The DX80DR9M-H12C operates on a 900 MHz transmission frequency with 2 digital inputs (30Vdc 3mA; NPN). It is part of the MultiHop Modbus IO data radios sub-range and incorporates MultiHop flexpower data radio functionality. The design includes SDI-12 data collection, 2 buttons, 2 bi-color LEDs for Ex e II applications, and utilizes FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) technology. Connection is facilitated through detachable screw-clamp connectors and an RP-SMA connector. The supply voltage requirement is 10-30Vdc (12Vdc-24Vdc nom.), and it supports RS-485 Modbus TCP communication protocol. The frequency is set at 900MHz ISM band 1W, capable of a maximum transmission distance of 9.6km at nominal emission power.

About the manufacturer: Banner is one of the manufacturers that offers Electronic Components that you can order at Powermatic Associates site. Banner Engineering Corp. is a globally renowned leader in the industrial automation sector. Our diverse product line, comprising sensors, vision sensors, LED lights, indicators, wireless devices, and safety products, caters to businesses of all sizes worldwide.

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Product Details

  • Application: Soil Moisture Monitoring
  • RS-485
  • Wireless
  • RS-232
  • Modbus RTU
  • 1-wire Serial Interface
  • Wireless Radio Frequency
    900 MHz
  • EtherNet/IP
  • Modbus/TCP
  • Relative Humidity
  • Ships With Battery
  • Min Operating Temperature ( °C)
  • Application: Temperature Input
  • Feature: Hazardous Area
  • Tree Topology
  • Star Topology
  • Point-to-Point Topology
  • Point-to-Multipoint Topology
  • Max Operating Temperature ( °C)
  • Min Temp Operating Conditions
  • LCD Display
  • Hazardous/Intrinsically Safe Classification
    Class I, Division 2/Zone 2; ATEX Zone 2
  • Max Temp Operating Conditions
  • Environmental Rating (NEMA)
    NEMA 1
  • Environmental Rating (IP)
  • Output Details
    2 NMOS Discrete
  • Input Details
    2 Discrete, 2 0-20 mA, 1 Thermistor, 2 SDI-12
  • Power Supply
    10-30 V dc or 3.6-5.5 V dc low power option
  • Housing Style
    External Terminals
  • Discrete Outputs
  • Discrete Inputs
  • Device Type
    Multihop Data Radio
  • Analog Inputs
  • Input/Output
    Analog & Discrete
  • Power
    Flex Power

Product condition

New Factory Sealed

New Factory Sealed - New condition, never used, original OEM part with original packaging and factory seal.

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