LR97D25B Schneider Electric Thermal Overload Relays

LR97D25B on Powermatic Associates
Schneider Electric


Manufacturer:Schneider Electric

Category:Thermal Overload Relays

Product Lifecycle:Active

Product description

Schneider Electric LR97D25B is a 3-pole electronic overcurrent relay designed for direct connection to a contactor with outgoing cables connected via screw-clamp and control circuit connections also utilizing screw-clamp technology. It features protection functions including electronic overcurrent relay, locked rotor mechanical jamming, overload with Imax greater than Isetting, and sensitivity to phase failure. The rated current range is 5-25 A, with protection settings for thermal overload adjustable from 5-25A, a D-time knob ranging from 0.5-30s, and an O-time knob from 0.3-10s. It includes 1 Normally Open (NO) auxiliary contact and 1 Normally Closed (NC) auxiliary contact. The supply voltage is 24 V AC/DC, with a rated voltage for phase-to-phase connections at 690 V (50-60Hz). The minimum current capacity is 5 A, and the maximum current capacity is 25 A.

Product condition

New Factory Sealed

New Factory Sealed - New condition, never used, original OEM part with original packaging and factory seal.
The price of LR97D25B on Powermatic Associates is $168.30. Order now.

About the product

Schneider Electric LR97D25B is a 3-pole electronic overcurrent relay designed for direct connection to a contactor with outgoing cables connected via screw-clamp and control circuit connections also utilizing screw-clamp technology. It features protection functions including electronic overcurrent relay, locked rotor mechanical jamming, overload with Imax greater than Isetting, and sensitivity to phase failure. The rated current range is 5-25 A, with protection settings for thermal overload adjustable from 5-25A, a D-time knob ranging from 0.5-30s, and an O-time knob from 0.3-10s. It includes 1 Normally Open (NO) auxiliary contact and 1 Normally Closed (NC) auxiliary contact. The supply voltage is 24 V AC/DC, with a rated voltage for phase-to-phase connections at 690 V (50-60Hz). The minimum current capacity is 5 A, and the maximum current capacity is 25 A.

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LR97D25B Schneider Electric


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Schneider Electric

We provide digital solutions for energy and automation that improve efficiency and support sustainability. Our comprehensive solutions include cutting-edge energy technologies, real-time automation, software, and services for residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

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